The Arabic term ikhlas literally means purity, sincerity, and devotion, which means Ikhlas Travel & Tours operates a travel agency providing transparent Umrah packages for those who are planning to go to Umrah. Ikhlas serves all Filipino Muslims in the Philippines to minimize their expenses. Iklas offers Visa applications for those who want DIYs to travel with affordable transportation and accommodation. Ikhlas is a legit and registered (DTI-No.6342116) business name (Ikhlas Travel & Tours).


To serve and provide affordable Umrah Packages, transparent transactions, innovative digitalization of the entire processing of Umrah Packages, on-time booking for flight and accommodation, and planning itinerary places in Madinah and Makkah.


Enable more Filipino Muslims to join our mission to facilitate the procedures of their Umrah packages and minimize their expenses, planning their comfortable accommodation and transportation according to their needs during the entire journey.

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